Christmas jammies

Girl version

BurdaStyle 12-2007-126

I made them without the leg band. Mine have red and white snowflakes and Felicity has patchwork robins.

Why did I use such an old Burda pattern when there’s a version of pjs or french knickers every year? Well, I liked the flat front on these and the darts.

This style also makes it easy to add a decorative ribbon like I have on Felicity’s. I really need to do the same on my pair. I have fabulous horizontal pattern matching, but completely terrible vertical matching down the front seam.

Boy version

Simplicity 9900 (OOP)

Rory has reindeers, squirrels and raccoons (and other non Australian animals) and Chris has the red and green Christmas trees.

I made the leg length more like boxers for Chris rather than kneelength like the pattern.

Pinked patches of coordinating fabric mark the backs.


What else should I have done with the leftover fabric?!

You can tell I’m a sewist not a crafter. No raw edges.

Back to ‘real” sewing

The next project is BurdaStyle 02-2012-121

This pattern is designed for jersey. I am using a stretch cotton woven, so I’ve cut out a size larger than normal with more generous seam allowances. Hope it works!

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