Repeat offenders: Bella dress

I’ve being repeating patterns again.

I made another Tessuti Patterns Bella dress.

This version is sleeveless and made up in a gloriously happy silk from The Fabric Store.

And of course it has pockets.

It was hard to capture the fabric colour with these photos taken in late evening light but it’s a gloriously happy yellow with grey/mauve in a silhouette print.

I lined it with a very light weight white silk habotai.

Silk on silk. It feels like I’m wearing butterfly wings.

I love how a different fabric makes such a difference to how a pattern turns out.

I’ve made this dress pattern in wool crepe, a lightweight ponte, a polyester knit, novelty sweater knit, linen and now a lightweight silk. All of them different and lovely in their own way.

Back to this idea of repeating patterns. An excellent post by Sewing Artistry on why we sew has got me thinking. I love the way she puts it: “The very idea that I can take an abstract thought and convert it into something that I can touch, see and wear, but that becomes a useful part of my life is incredibly satisfying.

The pattern I use is only such a small part of this process, and I really shouldn’t feel I need to apologize should I?

What do you think? Of course just because I shouldn’t be apologizing doesn’t mean that it’s interesting to read about another version of the same pattern!


22 thoughts on “Repeat offenders: Bella dress

  1. This is lovely! I think this particular shade of yellow suits you very well. I would never guess it was a colour you wouldn’t choose often. And yes, wearing silk is wonderful.

    • Thanks. I think the light was flattering in these photos! There are other colours that make my skin look a lot healthier than yellow does. But you’re right- mustard yellow is really a no go zone.

  2. It must feel divine on a hot summer day. Lovely to see this and dream of far away summer days in the northern hemisphere.
    No need to apologize for repeating a good pattern. A plain and simple pattern is what makes it so good for variations as you have proven.

  3. I’m often conflicted between wanting to make multiples of patterns I love and trying out new patterns. I too always find it interesting how different a pattern can look in different fabrics, this silk version looks perfect for your heatwave.

    • I understand that conflict well.
      You’re right. This version is perfect for hot weather. Although nothing really helps when it’s record breaking 46oC (115oF) like yesterday! Back to a “cool” 31oC today.

  4. this is gorgeous. I love that you experiment with the pattern and make each garment look different. also, I love the colour and print of this dress – it looks lovely on you.

  5. Silk is perfect for this sleeveless version. It is a great design for the record hot weather you are having. Toowoomba must be one of the cooler places in Oz over the last couple of weeks (low to mid 30s ℃) but a dress that works like a wind tunnel is still the most comfortable thing to wear.
    I’ve been tossing up what to make with a piece of rayon, and have enough to make something with more design details but finding it difficult to pass over my TNT shift dress, which has french and back darts but is still loose enough to pull on over my head and lets the air blow up it.

  6. It looks so cheerful and sunny. And you look really happy in the photos.
    Don’t apologise for blogging about the same pattern twice. It’s interesting (to me at least) to see the same pattern made up in different fabrics.

  7. No apology needed. Your dress is beautiful, and in that gorgeous Silk must just about make those temperatures bearable. Enjoy wearing it!

  8. Finding new ways to interpret a pattern is incredibly creative, and always interesting. I also think the colour suits you. This is a good shape for our very silly hot days. Three wins!

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