Update on another WIP: the landscape dress

Remember me talking about this gorgeous fabric?

You were most helpful in deciding which pattern to use and I even made a muslin.

Then I got cold feet. Ruth of CoreCouture‘s pattern whispering of Vogue 9021 might have contributed to this

I worked out I could just squeeze this pattern onto my panels if I made the sleeves a bit shorter, and went for knee length.

But I was struck down with a case of fear-of-cutting-into-special-fabric

So I made a test version in a navy tropical wool first.

I like my test version.

The style lines (which you totally cannot see in this dark navy) are fabulous: slanted bust darts that meet up with one of the double skirt darts.

I underlined  through the bodice and lined normally in the skirt. I used Sunsilky lining- it’s polyester, but treated in some way to be breathable.It’s lovely to wear.

You’d think the almost bat-wing sleeves would make it limiting, but they fold down beautifully under jackets. I didn’t use interfacing in their facings, and that, coupled with the lovely drape of the wool is probably half the reason for their good behavior under jackets.

I think I love this dress!

The sleeve design does, however, have lingerie exposing tendencies. See my black camisole?

You could sew the side/sleeve up a bit more, but that might limit movement, and make jacket wearing more challenging.

I’m happy with the fit (size 14 out to 16 for the hips and a small sway back adjustment, i.e. standard for me). The only change I’ll make with the next one is to lower the neck a little.

so,  have I started on the landscape fabric?

Well, actually, no.

Not yet. It’s looking at me, silently condemning me.

Summer has flown and, with it, thoughts of light silky dresses. So the landscape fabric will just have to hibernate in the stash until spring.

You may recall that I also have a coat project in the queue. Autumn would be the ideal time to sew it, wouldn’t it?

23 thoughts on “Update on another WIP: the landscape dress

  1. That is one fine looking dress. Think I’ll have to add this one to my own collection. Thanks for testing it!! You look great in it.

  2. Your test dress is a lovely transition dress for the fall. I have a number of pieces I’ve done that are low under the arm. None of us go around with our elbows up in the air, and if anyone is looking that close under my arm, they had better have been invited 😉
    Look forward to seeing the coat you are working on and the pretty panel, well, it will be pretty next year too!

  3. ooo, very nice indeed. It’s going to look stunning in the landscape fabric, but of course you are right: it’s got to be coats now!

  4. Its a lovely shape on you, I don’t think the standard behaviours expected of one whilst wearing such an elegant dress will expose the lingerie. Just refuse to hang out the washing because you are too dressed up ;).
    It will look wonderful in the landscape fabric. I suggest you save it until August, as a winter antidote.

  5. That is one lovely dress! I love that shape, it looks dramatic and interesting but could still be either dressy or casual.

    I think the arm-thing is very on trend. I’ve seen dresses lately that consist of, essentially, a breast-band and then basically overall flaps attached to a skirt. So you’re obviously just plugged into the zeitgeist!

  6. I love how this dress looks on you, the Cape-y sleeves are lovely. I wish somehow it was designed with some kind of dress piece underneath the arm, it’s fine if you can find a matching cami as you have here, but could be a pain otherwise.

    • It probably wouldn’t be too hard to add a panel, but I plan to make a slip for the landscape fabric anyway, because it’s not as robust as my lovely tropical wool. Plus, I’ve been wanting to make a slip for forever.

  7. this is a lovely style of dress on you, the lingerie reveal is a bit unexpected, given the vintage nature of the pattern. Can’t wait to see the finished landscape dress, if and when you decide to make it 😉

  8. To overcome the side view, have you thought about inserting a normal side panel on the inside into the princess seam? This style looks fantastic on you.

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